We're excited to offer exclusive discounts on hotels, activities, and vacation packages through Expedia and Hotels.com to all CloudTrucks customers. Take some time off to enjoy a trip with your family or simply relax while you're on the road - and save money while you're at it.
How to access
From the CT app:
- Tap the "$" at the bottom of the home page to go to your CT Cash page
- Tap the 'Explore exclusive discounts' banner at the top of the page
- Scroll down till you see Expedia & Hotels.com!
Or click on any of the links below:
Expedia is offering discount codes for bookings through the end of 2023. As a CloudTrucks customer, you get:
Hotels.com is offering all CloudTrucks customers a 10% off discount code for hotels booked through the end of 2023.
Click here for Hotels.com discounts!
If accessing from a mobile device, please make sure you're using the most recent version of the Expedia & Hotels.com apps!