What kind of reporting is currently supported on Flex?
Currently admins can request:
1. Fuel purchase report - all fuel receipts uploaded / fuel expenses reported in-app
2. Job report - all jobs completed
The reports come in CSV format and are emailed to the fleet admin's email address.
How can an admin request a report?
1. Go to the Fleet details page from the left hand side nav
2. Select "Request documents & statements"
3. Choose the report and date range desired
4. Click 'Confirm request' and a CSV will be emailed to your email address
What is included in the fuel purchase report?
Fuel purchase reports include the following line items:
- Date purchased
- Quarter of calendar year
- Vehicle ID (this is the nickname you added for your truck e.g. "Big Red")
- Truck VIN number
- Person who submitted the receipt
- Number of gallons purchased
- Price per gallon
- Total expense / amount paid
- State fuel was purchased in
What is included in the job report?
Job reports include the following line items:
- Date job is completed (this is the date the job is marked as "complete" in the CloudTrucks TMS)
- CT job ID
- Broker name
- Broker load ID
- Rate ($)
- Number of miles
- Rate per mile ($)
- Driver first name
- Driver last name
- Truck VIN number
- Vehicle ID (this is the nickname you added for your truck e.g. "Big Red")
If any of the above information was missing from the load details, it will be blank in the report.
If you have any questions about reporting in Flex, please contact flex-support@cloudtrucks.com.